why a girl should not visit temples during her Menstruation periods

these points are from what I understood. for more details read below links. 

1) In the bellow posts it related to apana vayu in the body which has its natural flow downward. it manages all types of excreations in the body. all yoga and spiritual practices and the temple procedures are  aiming at bringing apana vayu upward not by forcing it by energising it. where as in menstruation time the apana vayu is flowing downward continuously against to other excretion types, any energy or vibrations in temples that effects this apana vayu directions to move upward is like force on it and may creates lots of problems on women physically and mentally and spiritually.

2) any person male or female must enter temple after bathing if he or she has done any excretion, (this may be something related to purifying the apana vayu which helped excretion at spiritual level or at physical level ) else he/she is called impure. asoucha or impure state of constant excretion of a fluid from inside body to outside during menstruation period in females can not be purified it by bathing as they may get impure again immediately after bathing. so any one who excreates and keep apana vayu active should not visit temples.

3) women took part of  lord Indra's saapam of brahmahatya TAITTIRIYA SAMHITA of Yajur Veda KANDA 2 PRAPATHAKA 5 anuvaka 1
) hence they get impure these times and lord indra offered them a boon of becoming pure for ever and by following few rules and doing it as a vrata for 3 days until a bath on 4th day. hence females attains higher levels of spirituality without much efforts like men. 

4) in another study, as women turning more pure by eliminating impurities out of the body duing this time she is more vibrant and interfere and observe all the energies around her making other bodies weaker and disturb her own energy system too by the interference. 



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