10 dangerous vasthu defects. like south west bathroom, north east steps etc are explained in the video which may cause serious problems like death or serious illness.
here in the bellow video, youtuber shows how to earn money from youtube by using others music files from soundcloud. there are copyright free music in soundcloud or you can talk to any music creator to promote their music in your youtube channel. the idea is to make visual videos of these musics and upload to youtube. you earn money from ads.. websites need to use are https://soundcloud.com/ website. https://musicvid.org - for adding free music visuals https://sclouddownloader.net/ to download sound cloud file
we think hunger is related to only stomach. but the hunger is also related to large intestines. Large intestines are capable of controlling our hunger. look at this "interconnected nerve cells lining the large intestine has a key role to play in food intake and its digestion. This enteric nervous system is now often referred to as the ‘second brain’. It is capable of directing messages to the brain as well as controlling the release of hormones that influence the movement of food down the gut, feelings of wellbeing and the sensations of being hungry or of being full." source: https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/1832-large-intestine-function refer enteric nervous system (ENS) and neurogastroenterology for more information on communication that happen between brain and large intestine (gut)
reservoir reserves heat. thermal engine works between two reservoirs by transferring the heat.. ground source heat pump - very costly to setup. air source heat pump (ASHP) - vapor-compression refrigeration - for cooling houses and hot water. Air-to-water heat pump - for heating rooms. Electric heat pump water heaters are significantly more efficient than electric resistance water heaters, but also more expensive to purchase. hot engine coolant to heat a vehicle using waste heat from industries and environment. Thermal energy storage (TES) is achieved with widely different technologies. Depending on the specific technology, it allows excess thermal energy to be stored and used hours, days, months later, at scales ranging from the individual process, building, multiuser-building, district, town, or region.
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