benefits of kali yuga compared to other yugas
As in puranas - Kaliyug is the mine of faults, but it has only one great virtue - that the people will acquire divine position only by reciting Lord's name. Recitation of Lord's name, regardless of intention and motivation-- whether it is love, derision, laziness o maliceness- would destroy one's sins. But the sinister people would do even the most difficult tasks in Kaliyug, but they would not recite Lord's name.They would not have an interest in the Lord. Their interests would be more in sensuous things like sound, touch, beauty, scent etc. The Paramgati (supreme salvation) that people could receive by ten thousand years of meditation in Satayug; by performing Yagya for hundred years in Tretayug by worshipping Lord’s idol for ten years in Dwapar, that supreme salvation is easily available for people in Kaliyug simply by reciting Lord's name for one day and one night continuously. But still, in Kaliyug people would not have faith in Lord's name. It i...