
Showing posts from April, 2021

benefits of kali yuga compared to other yugas

As in puranas -  Kaliyug is the mine of faults, but it has only one great virtue - that the people will acquire divine position only by reciting Lord's name.  Recitation of Lord's name, regardless of intention and motivation-- whether it is love, derision, laziness o maliceness- would destroy one's sins. But the sinister people would do even the most difficult tasks in Kaliyug, but they would not recite Lord's name.They would not have an interest in the Lord. Their interests would be more in sensuous things like sound, touch, beauty, scent etc. The Paramgati (supreme salvation) that people could receive  by ten thousand years of meditation in Satayug;  by performing Yagya for hundred years in Tretayug by worshipping Lord’s idol for ten years in Dwapar,  that supreme salvation is easily available for people in Kaliyug simply by reciting Lord's name for one day and one night continuously.  But still, in Kaliyug people would not have faith in Lord's name. It i...

Yogasiddhi within six months -

 As in puranas -  A devotee who regularly practices meditation in the temple of Lord Kapordishwar attains Yogasiddhi within six months.

which is better meditation or idol worship

 as in puranas During the Satya-Yuga, meditation was the way to attain self knowledge.  During Treta-Yuga, it was attained by penance, During Dwapar Yuga it was attained by performing 'Yagya' while in the present era of Kali Yuga, idol worship is considered to be the means to achieve selfrealization. Invirtuosity invites sorrow while virtuosity bestows joy and happiness.

how to reach to Shiva's abode.

  as in puranas -  While worshipping the Shiva Linga, the mantra OM NAMAH SHIVAY should be continuously chanted. Chanting this mantra for five crore times, helps a man in attaining to the abode of Shiva. Worship of Shiva done during the mid night is considered to be especially fructifying.

best days for couple to get children - kids

 from puranas  Copulation Prohibited on Certain Days According to the scriptures the best time for a married couple to copulate is after the woman has had her menstruation, especially till sixteen days after her periods have commenced are considered best for this purpose. But, there are also certain days on which making sexual contacts is prohibited- the first four days after her periods have started.  Ashtami, Chaturdashi, Amavasya and Purnima are few such days.  If the above given rules are followed then a couple can beget worthy sons possessing good qualities. Considering the fact that a woman has sexual urge eight times more than a man, scriptures have also advised a man not to overlook the sexual urge of his wife and to satisfy her without bothering about the prohibited days.

is it mistake from puranas that mon is above sun

 it is mentioned in puranas that  Above the earth is the sun, above the sun the moon, above the moon the stars, above the stars Mercury, above Mercury Venus, above Venus Jupiter and above Jupiter the constellation of the Great Bear (saptarshimandala). Beyond this constellation is the world of Dhruva. but we know moon is near to earth and sun is far

how is the life after family life must be led as per puranas in old age.

  The third ashrama is known as vanaprastha (forest-dwelling stage). The individual now retires to the forest and withdraws his mind from the earthly life. He can leave his wife in the care of his sons or take her with him. He lives on roots, fruits and leaves and makes a bed for himself under the trees. He is not permitted to shave or cut his hair and his clothes have to be made out of bark or skins. The final ashrama is that of sannyasa (hermithood). A hermit gives up all association with the world and lives alone. He grows completely detached. He lives alone. He gets his food through begging. He is not permitted to spend more than one night in a village, or more than five nights at a time in a city.

should not comb hair while facing south - from puranas

 it is mentioned in puranas that  one should not comb his hair while facing south

sreeraama taraka mantra in telugu

 à°¶్à°°ీà°°ాà°® à°°ాà°® à°°ాà°®ేà°¤ి à°°à°®ే à°°ాà°®ే మనోà°°à°®ే, సహస్à°° à°¨ాà°® తత్à°¤ుà°²్à°¯ం à°°ామనాà°® వరాననే

shall a woman marry again as per puranas

 Yes, A woman can marry again provided that her husband has disappeared, is dead. 

how a student - brahmachari who is in education stage of life should be - from puranas

 The first stage in life is that of brahmacharya (studenthood). A student should never eat honey or meat and should never indulge in singing or dancing. He should completely give up violence and speaking to women. His duties are to discuss the shastras (holy texts) and associate with learned men. Apart from that, he will meditate in solitude on the true nature of the brahman.

when is the sacred thread ceremony needs to be done - from puranas

 The sacred thread ceremony is to be held at the age of eight years for brahmanas, eleven years for kshatriyas and twelve years for vaishyas. No sacred a thread ceremony should be held beyond sixteen years of age.

how to get punya in kali yuga - from puranas

 In kali yuga, fraudulence is the norm. There are severe droughts and famines, revolutions take place. People are liars and sinners. They are easily angered. They d not respect the brahmanas. The brahmanas, on their part, forget all about the Vedas and yajnas. Shudras become kings and oppress the brahmanas. Some Shudras shave off their heads and wear saffron clothes. They pretend to be religious teachers. And horror of horrors, people start to believe in these fraudulent teachers. Women wear hairpins in their hair. As if this alone were not enough, they refuse to obey their husbands. Thieves are everywhere. The only redeeming feature of kali yuga is the fact that even if one worships Shiva just a little bit in kali yuga, one attains undying punya (store of merit).

primary god assigned to yugas - as per scriptures

 Brahma is the primary god in satya yuga,  Surya in treta yuga,  Vishnu in dvapara yuga and  Shiva in kali yuga.

best courses to be pursued as per yuga from puranas

 In satya yuga, the best course to be pursued is meditation;  in treta yuga it is the pursuit of knowledge(jnana);  in dvapara yuga it is the performance of yajnas;  and in kali yuga it is the donation of alms.

the only place free of sinful acts in kaliyuga - varanasi

 The only place which is free from such sins is the sacred city of Varanasi  is mentioned in puranas

very auspecious temple gokarna - worship lord Gokarna for son as in puranas

 for kids and children as in puranasa

whole of the education from shiva

 this is from puranas There are fourteen types of learning or Vidyas - four Vedas, Six Vedangs, Meemansa, Nyay, Puranas and other religious scriptures. These fourteen learning along with Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharvaveda and Arthashastra becomes eighteen. All these eighteen learning's originate from lord Shiva. Lord Shiva created lord Brahma to felicitate the process of creation and bestowed him with all these eighteen learning's. He also empowered lord Vishnu to protect the creation. The four Vedas emerged from the mouth of Lord Brahma, on the basis of which were created the numerous scriptures like Vedangs etc. Since these Vedas were difficult to understand, therefore lord Vishnu took incarnation of Vyas and created the Puranas, so that they could be understood easily. The Puranas contain four lakh shlokas and they help us to understand the essence of the Vedas.

akshi-tarpan - ghee treatment for eyes in ayurvedha

 akshi-tarpan also called netra tarpan  - pouring medicated ghee in eyes is good for eye dryness and many other eye problems as per ayurvedha.

very best time to perform tharpana or shrardha - auspicious days

tarpana - The Appropriate Time for Performing Shraddh is given in 8th purana  8.2.2  a) at the commencement of uttarayan or dakshinayan.  b)at the time when vyatipat yoga takes place.  c) at the time when vishu yoga occurs.  d) during both solar and lunar eclipses.  e) if troubled by the evil influences of a constellation or a planet.  f) if troubled by nightmares.  g)at the time when the Sun changes it's position from one zodiac to another. The various nakshatras like Anuradha,Vishakha and Shwati are considered to be very auspicious for performing shraddh- especially, if the day happens to be amavasya.Shraddh performed on such a day pacifies the ancestor's soul for eight years.  Similarly the combination of amavasya with either 'pushya nakshatra' or 'punarvasu nakshatra' is believed to pacify the ancstor's soul for twelve years. Some other days which are considered to be very auspicious for performing shraddh are-the third day of the bright ...

performing bheeshma tarpanam and shrardha for bheeshma for getting kids.

 performing bheeshma tarpanam and shrardha on his death time on bheesmastami he says this process bestows kid kids - children - child- kid  in 1 year. 

how can dead souls without son can be offered tarpan or tarpanam

 on sarva pitru amavasya during mahalaya paksha daughters son can perform tharpana to such souls.

best place to perform shrarda - gaya -

bodh gaya and vishnu pada temple in gaya in bihar - are best places for performing shrardha  even rama visited this place for his fathers shrardham.

why men have to cut hair and when we should not cut and why not during chathurmas period

 this info is very clearly given in the bellow link. this doc explains about the reasons and linked it with raja thama gunas entering our body though open cut hairs.  he also mansions why we should not cut hair in the night and during festivals and on birthday

used electric car sales from less than 1 lakh

used  electrical cars sold here from less than 1 lkh  rev dc brush motor cars are sold for very cheap for projects as these motors are needed maintenance and no parts or brushes available if repaired. rev AC induction motor cars are maintenance free car.

PMC pyramid meditation Guru badriji stopped rain - video from youtube

 in the bellow video he says badriji stopped rain

fasting to cure any healh problem or disease

 in the bellow video, he says fasting or lankanam in telugu is best cure for any disease  

cooling room in summer with table fan outside window - experiment with temperature sensor display

in bellow video he showed initial temperature of the room then switched on the table fan which is outside near window and measured the room temperature after that and showed thereduced temperature.. it reduced almost 8 degrees with the help of a fan. you can buy temperature sensor or meter here

recipes for 100 people brahmin style

 please check the bellow link for recipes for 100 people

fast charging batteries with graphene in INdia

 these companies are startups manufacturing graphene batteries which can be charged in 15 min. battery super capacitor long life compared to li-ion

cool or hot room with air bubble covers which we use for packing

 in the video it is shown how to use bubble cover as insulation to cool room.

list of few ayurvedha books

  1. R. K Sharma, Bhagwan Dash, Charaka Samhita, Sutra Sthana, Vol 1 Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi(2016), verse-26, pp 600 2. Kaviraj Atridev Gupta, Ashtanga Samgraha, Vol 1,Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, Pp-19 3. Ayurveda Dictionary, national institute of ayurveda 4.  Kaviraj Atrideva Gupta, Ashtanga Samgraha, Vol 1 Sutra Sthana, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, (1987) pg-19, 20 5.  K.R Srikanth Murthy, Ashtanga  Hridayam, vol 1, Sutra Sthana, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi (2016), pp 22 6. R.K Sharma, Bhagwan Dash, Charaka Samhita, vol 1, Sutra Sthana, Chowkhamba Sanskrit series, varanasi,(2016), verse-75, pg-123 7.  P.V. Sharma, Sushruta Samhita with english translations, Vol 2 , Chikitsa Sthana,Chaukhamba vishvabharati, varanasi(2013), verse-13, pg-491,492 8.  R.K Sharma, Bhagwan Dash, Charaka Samhita, vol 1, Sutra Sthana, Chowkhamba Sanskrit series, varanasi,(2016), verse-75, pg-123...

great books from hindhu scriptures

anthology - the Rig Veda. ,  sex - Kamasutra,  airplane manual - Vaimanika sastra of Bharadwaja,  grammar -  Asthadyayi, index - Vedic Anukramani,   epic - Mahabharata,  dictionary - Amarakosa,  story book - Katha Sarit Sagara, 

we should not eat completely and empty the plate

 in video he says we should not empty the plate completely after eating  as the left over food will be going for people who are suffering in hell.

achamanm for people with out sacred thread and female

 should not say swaha instead can say namaha Om kesavaya Namaha Om narayanaya Namaha Om madhavaya namaha govindhaya namaha  drink for 3 mantras and leave for 4th time say govindha govindha until u can hold breath.

head bath for girls and boys

 girl or female if takes bah once in a week is enough but male must take head bath everytime he takes bath. he mentioned that men should take head bath everyday . but as per rules it is every bath time first water should be pored on head for men

achamanam importance and procedure by chaganti


best soaps to use by chemicals and rank

 panthanjali multhani matti

Johnson and Johnson baby powder has got cancer agents -

 baby powder causing cancer 

Dr hegde says angioplasty is treated as a foreign object

 he says angioplasty is a business. blood thinners we use will cause blood leaks in brain

earliest or oldest Linga discovered so far in the world is in tirupati Parasurameswara Temple

 as per this post from wiki this is the oldest or earliest linga found in the world

A simple process for moksha is at kapila theertham

 wiki link shows this " During 'Karthika' month on the occasion of its "mukkoti" on the 'Purnima' or pournami (full moon) day, all the teerthas situated in the three world's merge into this Kapila Teertham at noon for ten 'Ghatikas' (one ghatika is equivalent to 24 minutes).[1] It is believed that persons bathing in it at that auspicious time will attain salvation from the cycle of birth and death ('Brahmaloka') "

what is the pariharam for missed shrardam for pitrus for few years - by chaganti koteswar rao.

 shrardham - for unperformed shrardhas he says in tirupati kapila theertham under tirumala. in wiki link it shows that "Moreover, those who have never offered Pindam (thidhi or thadhhina) to their departed ancestor souls can do it here and wash off your sins for non performance of it in past "

how to convert iron in to gold using 1 lakh maredu fruits homam- from vedas

 Chirravuri SriramaSarma says vedhas expert says how to convert iron in to gold as per vedhas as per him one has to do homam with 1 lakh maredu fruit  bronze comes with copper and tin by treating bronze with mercury properly we get gold.

power generators in cells of living bodies human, trees, and animals

 Mitochondria generates power to the cell , without it there is no life.

doctor speaks about importance of fasting in telugu

 he says about fasting benefits and eating during sun time and no breakfast.

Telugu doctor about intermittent fasting reduced 35 kg weight

 Chief Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Krishna Kiran Eachampati says intermittent fasting is best and he reduced 35 kg weight.  and anyone can do it. need not get scared of sugar levels getting dropped as liver makes sugar necessary to the body

importance of guru and how guru finds sishya not that sishya finds guru

here in the bellow video, it is explained that only karana janma ( people who were born on reason) people can get knowledge by meditation. most of other need guru to easily get the knowledge. he says we need perfect guru to follow him but how to find guru. he says guru finds his sishya in many ways.  

foods you must consume on daily basis for better health

honey water on empty stomach neem ball with turmeric ball on empty stomach OR neem and turmeric balls with mildly laced honey water on empty stomach soaked ground nuts. - boiled or raw - or grind in mixi with banana and honey. ash gourd juice must be consumed as much as you can - if one has asthma, cold and caugh then add honey or pepper to neutral cooling effect.

Ayurveda doctor suggests red banana for sugar patients

 he says it has less GI compared to yellow banana 45 vs 51.  so sugar patients can eat.